top trick skiers showcase their best tricks, difficulty, creativity, and showmanship

Each skier should perform one trick off the dock and acknowledge the crowd, followed by two full passes where they can showcase a combination of spins, flips, and their most challenging tricks - all with maximum style. After the two passes, each skier gets one wild-card trick back to shore.

Athletes compete in up to two rounds to determine the podium. In round one, there will be three heats with two skiers each, competing head-to-head. Skier one will take off from the dock, and once they are out of the course, skier two will follow. If a skier falls, the boat will pick them up and continue the pattern with the remaining skier. After a second fall, the boat will not return, and the pattern will resume with the remaining skier. Round two will feature the top three skiers in a final competition.

Unlike traditional trick ski contests, there is no objective scoring system. Each athlete is subjectively judged based on the criteria listed below.



  • Skiers MUST acknowledge or salute the crowd at some point from the dock or in the first pass off the dock.

  • Judging for each pass starts at a designated buoy or the main dock.

  • Each skier is allowed two falls with only one pickup; they must swim in after their second fall.

  • Skiers can use the boat tower or low pylon.

  • Skiers must wear some form of floatation in order to compete.

Judging Criteria

  • Creativity

  • Flow

  • Difficulty

  • Authenticity + Stoke


The Overall Top 3

All three podium rankings will receive a Special Trophy AND a Lake Lovers Club hat + tee.