spins, flips, and big air

Kneeboarders compete in a one round final run to showcase the best overall "2-Trick Line" (two tricks in one pass). Each rider gets four full passes and can fall up to three times with two pick ups. A three-judge panel will decide the winner of the super final based on the specific judging criteria listed below.



  • Each 2-Trick Line will be scored and contribute to the competitor’s final overall score.

  • After the third fall, the kneeboarder will be picked up or will have to swim to shore.

  • Skiers must wear some form of floatation in order to compete.

Judging Criteria

  • Creativity

  • Style + Flow

  • Difficulty + Risk

  • Authenticity + Stoke

  • Crowd Reaction


The Overall Top 3

All three podium rankings will receive a Special Trophy AND a Lake Lovers Club hat + tee.